Vietnam tourism search volume ranked number 6 in the world

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According to Google’s market trend tracking tool, the search volume for inbound tourism in Vietnam was placed 6th worldwide, witnessing a surge growth rate of 75% in 2023. 

On the other hand, the top 10 outbound destinations that Vietnameses searched the most last year include the United States, Australia, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Germany, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Vietnam National Authority of Tourism (VNAT) published that Vietnam had welcomed 12.6 million international visitors, which surpassed the target of eight million for the whole year 2023, but this figure only accounted for 70% of Vietnamese tourism revenue before the COVID-19 pandemic. 

With the exception of uncontrollable factors such as the influence of international markets, political conflicts, and the threat of environmental catastrophes caused by climate change, Vietnam’s tourism has not yet developed to its full potential by failing to streamline related industries and to improve tourism quality all across the country. 

Tourism Advisory Board (TAB) and authorities in charge must focus on organized tourism development planning, introducing more relaxed visa policy, renovating tourist sites, building infrastructure, enhancing human resources, and formulating an appropriate regulatory environment. In comparison, Thailand is the same Southeast Asian nation as Vietnam but its tourism industry is far more successful and sustainable. This “country of smiles” can be a perfect example for Vietnam to learn and grow on a global scale.

In 2024, Vietnamese tourism and related industries aim to serve 17-18 million foreign and 110 million domestic tourists, with the total earnings expected to reach around USD 34.5 billion.