National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024 is associated with the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory

Photo: Collected

NDO - National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024 is a typical cultural-economic-social event on a national and international scale, especially associated with the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory (7 May 1954 - May 7, 2024).

According to news from the General Department of Tourism, on November 13, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued Decision No. 3462/QD-BVHTTDL approving the Project to organize the National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024.

Bảo tàng Chiến thắng Điện Biên Phủ. (Ảnh: Sở Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch tỉnh Điện Biên)

Dien Bien Phu Historical Victory Museum (Photo by Department of Culture, Sports, Tourism of Dien Bien Province)

The organization of the National Tourism Year aims to contribute to raising awareness at all levels, sectors, and people about the position, role, and importance of tourism activities in socio-economic development.

This is an opportunity to introduce and promote the beauty of tangible and intangible cultural values, resources, and unique tourism products of the people, the country of Vietnam in general and Dien Bien province in particular.

The Plan is that Dien Bien province strives to welcome 1.3 million tourists by 2024; Total revenue from tourism activities will reach 2,200 billion VND; contributing to the breakthrough development of tourism, creating motivation for socio-economic development of Dien Bien province in the following years.

Through the organization of the National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024, it also aims to improve the quality of tourism programs, while exploiting new tourist destinations and tourist routes that are diverse, attractive, and suitable to the demands of tourists who visit Dien Bien province.

National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024 will strengthen tourism development links between provinces and cities in the country and countries/territories around the world to promote international integration and create favorable conditions for revenue, attract resources to develop tourism, enhance the position and image of the country and people of Vietnam in general and Dien Bien province in particular.

According to the plan, the Opening Ceremony of "National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024" and the Ban Flower Festival are expected to take place in March 2024 in Dien Bien Phu City, Dien Bien Province. The program is expected to be broadcast live on Vietnam Television and relayed on Radio-Television stations in some provinces and cities.

The Closing Ceremony of "National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024" is expected to take place at the end of December 2024 in Dien Bien Phu City, Dien Bien Province, including a cultural and artistic performance program, handing over the flag to the locality hosting the 2025 National Tourism Year.

It is expected that the Organizing Committee will hold a press conference to introduce the National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024 in the first quarter of 2024 in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to provide information about the program and preparations for organizing the National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024 to central and local news and press agencies.

According to the program, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism will preside and coordinate to organize 13 cultural, sports and tourism activities and events. Dien Bien province will host 28 activities and events. In addition, there will be many special activities and events organized by municipal cities.

Dien Bien is a mountainous province, the border is located in the Northwest of the country, a land with a long history of formation and development, and a particularly important geographical, defense, and security position. Besides, Dien Bien has a diverse terrain, fresh climate, many majestic natural landscapes, heroic history, and unique cultures of ethnic groups. With the above characteristics, Dien Bien province Bien has much potential to build and develop diverse types and products of tourism such as historical-spiritual tourism, cultural and ecological tourism, resort tourism, entertainment, and health care.

The year 2024 is an important year with historical milestones for the people of all ethnic groups in Dien Bien province - celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 7, 1954-May 7, 2024), 115 years of establishment of the province (June 28, 1909-June 28, 2024), 75 years of establishment of the Provincial Party Committee (October 10, 1949-October 10, 2024), 20 years of separation and establishment of Dien Bien province (January 1, 2004 - January 1, 2024), and 270 years of Hoang Cong Chat's army liberating Muong Thanh.

The organization of the National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024 will create an important driving force to promote the mobilization of development investment resources and strengthen socio-economic infrastructure, exploit local potentials and advantages, develop the economy, ensure social security, reduce poverty quickly and sustainably, improve the material and spiritual life of the people, preserve and promote the values ​​of cultural identities of ethnic groups and national historical relics, especially Dien Bien Phu Battlefield.

National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024 also contributes to stimulating domestic and international tourism demand, restoring tourism activities in the new normal, creating a step to develop tourism into a key economic sector, and building Dien Bien province into one of the tourism centers of the Northern Midlands and Mountains region.


Source: Nhân Dân